In this article, you will find out openly and honestly why blackjack Side Bets are for losers and you should never risk money on them. I'll also explain why side bets exist in the first place and why they are still so popular!
Where do we play blackjack online?
The best Experience at Black Jack we have in the Playamo Live Casino made. In my opinion, that's where it's at, BEST SELECTION on Tables with live dealers and you can train very well for the real casino! Compared to other online Casinos the winnings at Playamo are really paid out and therefore I would recommend the Playamo online casino definitely recommend!
The Playamo Casino has many live tables for blackjack and a quick Payout from Win.

Why do casinos offer side bets?
Every offer in the casino has only one purpose: to earn money for the casino.
Casino make money with blackjack because the Rules are designed to give the casino an advantage.
The advantage is that the dealer's turn comes after all the players have already made their decisions.
This means that some players have already lost before it is even the dealer's turn.
However, casino bosses are constantly thinking about how they can make even more money and ensure that players lose even more money.
At some point, someone had a brilliant idea:
"We offer side bets in Black Jack, where the Odds are much smaller than what you can win!"
Great idea, but nobody would do that! Someone might have said. Far from it! Many people do it. And they make sure that blackjack brings more money to US casinos than any other game. YES, even more than slot machines, which as "one-armed bandits" don't exactly have the reputation of being particularly generous.
So the catch with side bets in blackjack is: the odds are low. So is the profit.

While it seems attractive to win your $5 bet tenfold, twentyfold or even 100fold.
And of course it happens often enough. But much less often than you could win something with it.
As with all casino games.
Black Jack is actually an exception, as you can get away with the perfect Black Jack Strategy and the Cards can have an advantage over the casino and can be profitable in the long term.
With such side bets, however, you destroy any chance of being successful at blackjack in the long term.
The normal House edge of the casino in blackjack can be as low as 0.5% in an ideal game. Practice the correct decisions in the Black Jack Table.
As soon as you say something against side bets, of course immediately a super mega win as a counter-argument that you had yourself or a buddy. Or a buddy of a buddy...
Of course you can win a lot of money with a side bet.
You can also win mega amounts of money in the lottery.
But the odds are still against it and most who try are poor idiots.
The person who wins your money will be a rich, happy idiot.
Always think long-term. A one-off situation or even a perceived series is meaningless if you Play blackjack.
Over 100, 1000 or a million blackjack hands, you will lose a lot of money with side bets.
Why does everyone make side bets in blackjack?
Have you ever seen a Twitch stream or YouTube video where blackjack was played?
If so, you probably know various blackjack side bets, because these streamers or YouTubers almost all make these additional bets.
Give me 10 euros and I'll give you 20 if you roll a 6! If you roll any other number, the money is mine. Deal?
Have you now hesitated to accept this offer or are you thinking:
"I'll grab the 10 euros because I'm the best thrower in the world!"
The situation is similar with side bets.
In the following section, I will tell you why side bets are also called "sucker bets" and why you will lose a lot of money with them.
But first, the reasons why all these streamers make blackjack side bets and why you may have often placed an additional bet on the side bet field when playing blackjack. Blackjack online or placed in the right casino.
These streamers and YouTubers make money off of you losing money.
Do you think any of them really know what they're doing?
The principle is: risk high stakes and hope for luck.
If it's not successful, who cares? It's not their money. They get from the casino in which they play immediately recharged the (play money) account.
For the audience, of course, it looks as if someone would really be stupid enough to risk a lot of money on something they obviously have no idea about.
Because otherwise you wouldn't bet money on side bets.
What do blackjack experts say about side bets?
We asked the best blackjack players in the world for their opinion on blackjack side bets.
The answer is clear.
No successful blackjack player bets on side bets!
Ok, that's not quite true. There are certainly side bets that can be profitable in the long term with mathematical skill.
But you have to have been playing blackjack for years and, above all, be able to count cards perfectly.
If you can't calculate exactly what the odds are on the side bets, the odds are guaranteed to be against you.
Video: Can side bets be profitable in blackjack?
Blackjack pro Colin Jones has won several million dollars in casinos with his teams. There is a documentary about him called "Holy Rollers". He offers blackjack training for around 2000 dollars. The fact that someone is willing to pay that should show that Colin really knows what he's talking about.
In this video, Colin Jones explains why it's not a good idea to play side bets. Below we explain the English video content again in German.
What are the side bets?
The most common blackjack side bet is the Insurance (insurance). It allows you to protect yourself against a possible blackjack by the dealer if the dealer has a Ace has uncovered.
This bet includes half of the original Use and is paid out at 2:1 if the dealer has a blackjack.
This sidebet is for scaredy-cats and security fanatics.
The message of the Black Jack strategy table is clear: NEVER TAKE OUT INSURANCE!
But never say never!
If you can count cards, sooner or later you will come into contact with the term deviations. Because these "deviations" mean that you should deviate from the basic strategy with a true count of +3 and take out insurance.
But as long as these terms are not clear to you, the following applies: NEVER INSURE.
The dealer has a 10 card in 30% of the cases. You lose more money in the long run when you take out insurance than it helps you.
Perfect Pair
Perfect pairs. In this side bet, only the player's cards are used and you are paid out if you receive two identical cards as follows:
- Mixed pair (two of the same value, but different colors and shades) - pays 5:1
- Suited pair (two cards with the same value and suit) - payout 12:1
- Perfect pair (two identical cards) - payout 25:1
Winnings can vary from casino to casino and from paytable to paytable, and the house edge depends on both the payout and the number of Decks of cards and can range from 2 or 3 % to 11 % or more.
The side bet 21+3 includes the player's two cards and the dealer's face-up card. It is paid out for a number of different combinations:
- Flush - (all cards are the same color) - pays 5:1
- Straight - (all cards consecutive) - pays 10:1
- Three of a kind - (not the same color) - pays 30:1
- Straight Flush - (consecutive cards of the same suit) - yields 40:1
- Suited triple - (three identical cards) - brings 100:1
The house edge for the 21+3 side bet varies depending on the number of decks used and is 8.78% for four decks, 7.81% for five decks, 7.14% for six decks and 6.29% for seven decks.
More side bets in blackjack
royal match - pays 5:2 for all of the player's same-colored cards and 25:1 for the same-colored king and queen
Over / under 13 - even pays money for correctly predicting the sum of the player's cards as less than or greater than 13. In most cases you lose on exactly 13, but some casinos allow bets on exactly 13.
Super Seven - this bet is paid if one or more sevens appear in the player's cards. A seven pays 3:1, two unsuited sevens pay 50:1, two suited sevens pay 100:1. If the third card dealt is also a seven, then the bet pays 500:1 for unsuited cards and 5000:1 for suited cards. However, it is important to make sure that the casino deals a third card even if the dealer has a blackjack, as some casinos do not.
Lucky Ladies - this bet is paid if the sum of the player's cards equals 20, with an unsuited 20 paying 4:1, a suited 20 paying 10:1, a suited 20 of the same rank and suit paying 25:1, two queens of hearts paying 200:1 and two queens of hearts paying 1000:1 if the dealer has a blackjack.
Es gibt noch zahlreiche weitere Black Jack Side Bets und die Casinos lassen sich ständig neue einfallen, um mehr Geld aus den Spielern rauszuziehen. Mit den Infos aus diesem Artikel lässt du dich hoffentlich in Zukunft nicht so leicht mit Side Bets über den Tisch ziehen!