The 21 best blackjack tips for winning
21 Blackjack tips from the experts: Win more!

21 Blackjack tips from the experts: Win more!

You're looking for helpful blackjack Tips? Then you are here spot-on! Because we give you 21 Black Jack Tipps und entlarven viele Fake-Tipps, die dir sonst im Internet untergejubelt werden.

Good and bad Black Jack Tips collected, commented and rated ⭐️ Only here you will really find the best tips from professionals from Europe and the USA!

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We have been playing blackjack profitably for more than 10 years.

In the process, we have won money in more than 100 casinos around the world. works with the best Blackjack experts and professionals from all over Europe and the USA together!

On this page we collect all the blackjack tips that you can find on the internet and in Blackjack books finds.

Wrong and bad blackjack tips

There are an incredible number of blackjack tips on the internet. And most of them have only one goal: your money.

By making the wrong tips, you are supposed to lose money at the online casino so that the websites that advertise casinos can make money from your loss.

A blatant example from one of the largest German-language blackjack websites:

Bad Black Jack Tips - Counting Cards





On this website, which has very good Google rankings when you search for "blackjack tips", you will find, among other things, this abysmally stupid tip: "You can't Cards count (online or offline)."

This is very blatant and deprives this website of any competence and raison d'être!

To claim that "you can't count cards" is simply a lie.

  1. "You can" count cards anytime and anywhere. The only question is whether it makes sense.
  2. There are definitely many casinos where you can have success with card counting.
  3. Even in online casinos, you can use card counting and various other Tactics success, as Radek Vegas' blackjack coaching regularly proves.

So what this blackjack site writes here is absolutely misinformation. These casino lobbyists don't want to give you any "stupid" ideas. They want you to remain ignorant and not even try to win anything.


At it's different! We comment critically all the tips we can find.

This way you can be sure that you won't fall for one of the many scammers.

If you find blackjack tips somewhere that you are unsure if it makes sense, write us an email!

We have also compiled the best blackjack tips in a video and a Slideshow on the home page summarized.

You can recognize the best blackjack tips by the star ⭐️.

Simple blackjack tips table for beginners

In the Blackjack Tips Table you will find an overview of all simple tips.

These tips are explained in detail below. There are also other professional tips that are probably too complicated for beginners.

You can download the blackjack tips table as a PDF here:


1. play with play money

Black Jack Tips - Play Money
Blackjack tips - Practice with play money

The blackjack tip that you should first play with play money can be found on many different blackjack websites. We asked Czech gambling journalist Radek Vegas for his opinion on this. He is skeptical about the tip and would only rate it 4/10 Points evaluate. Here is his detailed answer.

"Blackjack is first and foremost a money game. If you play with play money, you run the risk of not making the right effort. After all, you have nothing to lose. If you take blackjack seriously, you don't "play". They wait for good situations to bet. You can compare it to a stockbroker who invests in good situations.

The tip that you should play with play money is therefore not a real tip in my eyes. It's clear that you shouldn't risk any money as an absolute beginner. But if you only play with play money, you will never get beyond beginner status. That's why everyone has to ask themselves:

Will ich spielen oder will ich gewinnen? Und wenn du gewinnen willst, dann lerne es richtig.“

You also see this tip time and again in connection with online casino advertising. The purpose of this rather pointless blackjack tip is to lure people into the casino for free. They then win a surprising amount of money in play money mode. The casino makes you believe that you are particularly good. Then, of course, you want to win real money! You deposit money and are surprised that the winning streak is over.

We therefore recommend using a mixture of play money and real money. There are also so-called no-deposit bonus offers from time to time. Here you can use real money to play a casino test. However, most casinos give too little money for the Live Blackjack would be enough.

2. set limits for game duration and losses

Black Jack Tips - Time Limit
Blackjack tips - Set a limit on playing time and losses

With this tip, you can argue from two perspectives.

A limit for losses definitely makes up for psychological view makes sense.

If the losses become too great and you are no longer having fun, you should NOT PLAY ANYMORE anyway.

Basically, every amateur has a serious disadvantage when gambling.

This disadvantage can NEVER be compensated. Setting systems are absolutely ineffective.

Just because someone has won something once does not mean that there is a strategy that works.

Or should we ask a lottery winner about his "strategy"?

There is no such thing in gambling!

One tactic works in the short term - WITH LUCK!

But sooner or later, THE BANK ALWAYS WINS.

Therefore, from a mathematical point of view, it doesn't matter if you set yourself a time limit.

This is because stochastics always considers the total number of bets over an entire lifetime.

In your lifetime blackjack session, you always have the same disadvantage of 1-5%.

This disadvantage does not end when you take a break, but ensures that all bets in total will sooner or later revolve around this loss.

If you have bet a total of 1000 euros, your loss will be 10 - 50 euros. This is where the deviation comes into play, which can mean that you lose less if you are lucky or more than these 50 euros if you are unlucky.

If you bet a total of 100,000 euros at the blackjack table in your lifetime, you will have lost 1,000 to 5,000 euros. Sometimes more, sometimes less.

The more you bet, the more closely your score will match the percentage loss of 1-5%.

You have two options to change this:

1. you stop after a big win.

2. Du learn richtig Blackjack spielen mit Kartenzählen und allem drum und dran.

However, concentration wanes over time, meaning that mistakes can creep in over longer periods of play.

So take a break if you notice that your concentration is waning.

However, a pure time limit is still not a very useful tip.

3. 21 is the target

Black Jack Tips - Goal 21
From the section "Black Jack tips that aren't tips": 21 is the target - Not directly!

This tip is so simple that it is actually cheeky to call it a "tip".

21 is nice, of course. There is a payout ratio of 3:2 if you have a two-card blackjack.

But it's not the goal!

Only in all cases do you get a blackjack.

You need a Ace.

There are 4 Aces in a deck of 52 cards in total.

That's exactly 7.69% probability for an ace.

You also need a ten-value card. So a 10, a Jack, a Queen or a King.

That is 4 out of 13 possible cards or a total of 16 out of 52 cards, which corresponds to a probability of 30.77%.

We then have to multiply the two probabilities of the ace (7.69%) and the ten card (30.77%) and we have the probability of a blackjack: 2.3%.

So you're averaging a blackjack in every 44 hands.

If you are now thinking: But I have blackjacks more often! Then you're either lying to yourself or you're remarkably lucky, which will even out sooner or later. Nobody stands a chance against math. That's why the bank ALWAYS wins.

So the goal is not to have 21 points, but to have more points than the dealer.

Or even less than 22, because at 22 you lose.

And it always makes no sense to stand still for fear of overbuying.

You often fight and lose.

But that's better than not fighting at all.

That's why I would formulate it like this:

The goal is to make the right decisions in the long run and to bet more in good situations and best not to play at all in bad situations.

4. always split aces [⭐️]

Black Jack Tips - Aces Split
Valuable Black Jack tips - Aces ALWAYS share!

When it comes to "splitting" in blackjack, there are many wrong tips.

A farmer's rule says you should always split aces and eights.

That's for sure!

If you get two aces, you increase your long-term return.

To calculate the total yield, you have to examine and calculate every single situation and every possibility.

Then you arrive at a value that is higher than if you did not divide the aces.

The same also applies to a pair of eights.

Here you have the worst hand with 16 and can Odds greatly increase if you split the weak 16 between two more promising 8s.


Black Jack Tips - Split Tens
Wrong blackjack tips for beginners: Never split tens! But professionals do!

This tip is also persistent.

However, it is WRONG!

As a beginner, it is generally a good idea not to split tens, jacks, queens and kings.

With 20 you have the second best card combination after a blackjack.

It is unlikely that you will get such a good hand again on two split hands.

This is also very easy to calculate:

The probability of getting another 10-value card is 30%.

In addition, an ace would make us even better. So another 7%.

By drawing low cards, you can get a few more percentage points by taking a detour via additional cards.

So in around 40% cases we have an equivalent or better hand after splitting.

But we also need a second Insert and worsen us in 60% of cases.

However, for us to improve in both hands, the probability is only 16% (40% x 40% = 16%)

In 16% of the cases, we have a hand that is at least as good because of the sharing.

So you deteriorate when you divide a valuable 20 into two 10s.

However, there are situations where you can increase your total yield by splitting the pairs of ten.

And you can recognize these situations by counting cards.

When a lot of low cards are played, the probability of high cards coming in the future increases.

To be exact:

The True Count must be at least +4 in order to split pairs of tens.

Granted, this is very rarely the case, but it does happen.

But then you should only split against the weakest dealer card: the 6th.

If the dealer has a 5, you need a True Count of at least +5 to justify a split.

Otherwise you pay on top.

So anyone who splits tens is usually a complete amateur. Or a complete professional.

6. use vary according to success

Black Jack Tips - Bet Vary
Blackjack tips - Vary your bets for success

Varying the bet is the ONLY way to win something in the long term in blackjack.

However, this ONLY makes sense if you also know when to increase the stake.

And that's where the tip about being profit or loss oriented is wrong.

Because a win is usually too late to justify a higher stake.

The win is (usually) the result of an increased count. In other words, many low cards compared to high cards.

If you bet after a win, the good situation is already one round behind.

However, it is also possible to win in a bad situation. In that case, after a lucky fluke win, you would run into the open knife with an increased stake.

Basically, however, it's not a bad beginner's tactic, only increase the stake after winning a round.

At the same time, however, one should also look at, HOW TO WIN!

  • Were there a lot of low cards at the table?
  • Has anyone gotten multiple cards (4.5 or more) without overbuying?

If you have won a round and there were a conspicuous number of low cards in play, there is no reason not to increase the stake.

However, only gradually. For example, if you always bet the minimum bet of 5 euros, you can bet 7.5 euros or 10 euros.


Black Jack Tips - Insurance
Blackjack tips: From a true count of +3 you close a Insurance from.

Here, too, one must warn!

Beginners are told on almost all sides that they should never take out insurance.

However, the statement is not fundamentally true!

Because as soon as you can count cards, you will make more profit if you take out insurance in one situation or another.

In fact, insurance is one of the main differences between amateur players and professionals. Amateurs are persuaded by the casino lobby that they should never take out insurance. Professionals go by the true count when counting cards.

From a true count of +3 you take out insurance!

This deviation from the Basic Strategy is the most lucrative so-called deviation of the Illustrious 18.

9. ONLY PLAY WITH A PAYOUT OF 3:2 [⭐️⭐️⭐️]

Blackjack Tips - Payout 3:2
The most important Black Jack tip: Only play at tables with "Black Jack pays 3:2"

This is by far the most important Black Jack tip! That's why it gets 3 stars here instead of just one!

It is absolutely essential that you only play at tables where you are paid out at a ratio of 3:2 for a blackjack.

This ratio means that the bonus that you get for a natural 21 is 1.5 times the amount of ice cream.

If you have bet 10 euros, you will get a total of 25 euros back with an ace and a ten-value card (your 10-euro stake plus 15 euros winnings).

However, there are now many casinos that only offer a payout of 6:5 for a blackjack.

What sounds even better at first glance is actually worse.

Because if you take 10 euros x 6 and divide by 5, you only get 12 euros profit - instead of 15 euros as with the 3:2 payout.

With a payout of 6:5, you make 20% less profit for every blackjack!

In the USA, on March 2 (US spelling 3/2) even the Blackjack tag introduced to draw attention to the reduced payout in blackjack.

To ensure that you still have any chance at all at blackjack, you should also Blackjack table on which boycott "Black Jack Pays 6:5"!


It doesn't matter for beginners. But if you can count cards, there is no point in playing if the casino Mixing machines used.

When counting cards, we use the cards played to calculate the probability of the cards still to come.

This is only possible if there is a continuous draw and the order of the cards is not changed.

Shuffling machines are used to shuffle the cards back in with the rest of the cards after each round.

In this way, card counting is pointless.

Shuffling machines are now used in most casinos in Europe and also in Las Vegas. The casinos argue with a smooth game flow, where the shuffling does not interrupt the flow of the game.

That stim

mt even. This shuffling is already extremely annoying. Especially when the dealers take it too exactly, as for example in various casinos in the Czech Republic.

However, mixing machines turn blackjack into a game of chance that cannot be beaten.

Of course you can win something in one evening if you're lucky. But the more often you play, the more certain it is that your overall balance will slip into the red. There's no way around it. Unless you stop playing completely once you're in the black. Everything else is a temporary lucky streak.


Black Jack Tips - Decks
Black Jack Tips - The less Decks of cardsthe better.

The fewer decks of cards are used, the lower the House edge of the casino.

So it is also better for the player's chances of winning if, for example, only two decks of cards are used.

In most casinos, blackjack is played with a 6-deck sled (shoegame) or shuffling machine.

So-called double-deck games have only two decks of cards, which makes it easier to keep track of the cards played.

It is also easier to calculate the true count, as this is determined by dividing the running count by the number of remaining decks of cards. With two decks of cards, you only divide by 2 or 1 - or the halves 1.5 and 0.5. This is much easier than, for example, in a 6-deck game, where you have to divide by 6, 5, 4 and 3 at the beginning to get an exact true count.

There are even still one or two casinos in the US that offer single-deck blackjack. However, these Variants also often disadvantages, so it is not necessarily better to prefer this variant to a 6-deck sled.

In addition to the pure number of decks of cards, it is also important how many cards are played before the so-called cutting card is played and shuffled again. This process is referred to as "Deck Penetration". Casinos with fewer decks of cards often have very strict rules and only deal a few rounds.


Blackjack Tips - Budget and Money Management
Blackjack tips - Set your budget precisely!

This blackjack tip can be found on many websites and only remains on the surface. The budget serves more as pseudo-advice from the casino lobby to soothe their conscience.

Because the truth is, these websites make money by you signing up to an online casino and losing there.

The more you lose, the more they earn. That's why limiting your budget is actually the last thing casino affiliate sites want.

Nevertheless, there is also a spark of truth in this hypocrisy.

Because it is very important for a blackjack pro to stay within his budget.

There are many things to consider here, which is why we have written an entire article on the topic of "Money Management".

Blackjack pro Radek Vegas summarizes his opinion on the budget tip for us here:

"Your bankroll is the amount you use ONLY TO PLAY BLACKJACK!

You can lose this money without batting an eyelid and it won't change your life, your standard of living or your mood.

Only ever bet a fraction of your bankroll. Ideally, you should only risk a maximum of 1/10 of your bankroll in the casino on any one evening. The standard bet should then also only amount to a maximum of 5% of your daily budget. This minimizes the risk of a complete loss."

Especially the highlighted quote should be written behind the ears of every player!

We very often receive messages in which players are upset about losses. Or we regularly witness real dramas in casinos where gambling addicts risk everything - and OF COURSE LOSE! That can't go well. And if it goes well once, then at some point you get to that point again. And at some point it doesn't go well anymore.

That's why emotionless planning of bets is very important for success in blackjack.

13. let the dealer overbuy [❌]

How do you do that? With magic?

Hex Hex! Dealer draw a six.

The aim of this tip: you shall make wrong decisions that will make you lose more.

Your loss makes the website on which this tip is placed more money, because the advertisement leads to an online casino that pays the website up to 50% of the players' lost money.

The truth: Letting the dealer overbuy is not in the player's power. Zero, zero.

The dealer plays according to fixed rules. It is clearly and simply defined when the dealer draws.

The dealer always draws until he has at least 17.

In principle, this is also a good rule for the players. At least if you have a starting hand greater than 6.

So the dealer definitely does not make any mistakes. Nevertheless, it does of course happen that the dealer sometimes overbuys.

If he still has to draw a card at 16, he is most likely to get more than 21 points.

However, you should not derive a "scaredy-cat strategy" from this. Beginners are afraid of overbuying themselves and remain standing with weak scores in the hope that the dealer will overbought. However, it is better to risk losing from time to time than to always stand still and hope that the dealer will overbought. The dealer doesn't do this often enough. So you will only lose more.

The dealer's bust probability depends on his own up-card. The dealer is most likely to bust if he has a 6 as an up-card (approx. 43% of cases). The dealer is least likely to bust with an ace (approx. 20%).

Incidentally, these probabilities are also the basis of basic strategy. This is why you should ideally stand with 12 against a 6 from the dealer.

However, it would be nonsense to stand with 12 if the dealer has a 7 or better. That's why it's better to learn the basic strategy than to "let the dealer overbuy".

The probability for some cards is higher than for others, but saying that the seven of hearts is coming is only possible with a magic trick. This means that the player cannot influence anything and therefore cannot "overbuy" the dealer

Similar search queries to Blackjack tips

You may also be on this page because you are interested in the topic of Blackajck Strategy want to know.

Black Jack Strategy Table PDF

The Blackjack Strategy Table PDF will give you just the right tip in any situation at the Blackjack table!

With the tips from the Black Jack Strategy Table you manage to win more!

The decisions proposed here are based on mathematical probabilities.

With this you can make the best out of any situation!

Important: You can not win every time!

Even the best soccer team (except maybe Liverpool 😉) loses sometimes.

So it is with blackjack.

But the blackjack strategy chart will help you make the right decisions.

You win more in good situations.

You lose less in bad situations.



GTA stands for "Grand Theft Auto" and is a well-known computer game series.

In GTA you can also Play online blackjack.

The tips for this are the same as here on this page.

Basically, it always depends on which Blackjack rules offers a casino.

This results in the optimal blackjack strategy.

This changes, for example, if 2, 6 or 8 decks of cards are used.

GTA Online Blackjack tips will follow shortly.

If you have already had a good experience with Blackjack at GTA, feel free to send me an Write email!

RDR2 Blackjack Tips

Here follow RDR2 blackjack tips.

If you've already had experience with RDR2, write me an email!

play blackjack

The best blackjack tip is very simple: you must play blackjack!

Only those who practice a lot will sooner or later get better and win more money.

Casinos don't give away money.

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